Trailer Parts Handy to Have on Hand


There are a lot of parts that go into a trailer, and many of them are essential to the operation of your vehicle. Fortunately, these parts are available for almost any scenario. From a simple repair to an emergency, you can rely on the right parts to get you back on the road. For more details on Trailer Parts, consider a site such as

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One of the essential items in your arsenal is a spare tyre. It’s a wise move to always have a spare in the boot of your car, but it must be in good condition and accessible, too. A working tyre will ensure you don’t end up in a snarl or, worse, a ditch.

Aside from the apparent spare tyre, having a good set of jacks is a must for anyone with a trailer. Even if you don’t intend on towing, having a good jack is a lifesaver in a sudden breakdown.

Mudguards are often overlooked but it is a legal requirement to have these fitted to your trailer so a spare set is very handy.

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Another helpful item is the breakaway switch or cable. This is an essential safety device that can help you avoid a major catastrophe like a crash. These devices can also activate safety measures, such as wheel locks. The best part about these devices is the simplicity of their installation and their usefulness when you’re on the go, making it possible to slow the trailer down if it becomes uncoupled.