Taking care of Employees During the Pandemic


Although we are all working from home at the moment to make sure that we all stay safe, having human contact is also something that is important to people, especially for people that live alone. Although we can’t meet up in person right now, it is important to make sure that all employees are doing ok with regards to their mental health and it is something that every employer should be aware of in the strange and difficult times.


Make sure that people are able to come to mangers to speak to them if they are struggling with working from home and that mangers are equipped with the information to be able to help them. There are lots of helplines to support people who are struggling mentally at the moment too, so it is always worth using those to help an employee who is struggling.

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Just because people cannot meet up in person, organising a virtual work event is something that you should definitely consider. There are companies such as this event agency Dublin https://davisevents.ie/ that specialise in setting up events for staff virtually which can really help with team building and help to boost the mood.

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Things such as employee perks and rewards are also something that should not be forgotten at them moment and can help to energise a team. Things such as cakes being sent out to staff on the last Friday of a month for example can really help with motivation especially for those struggling with the shift to working at home.