Five reasons why you should get a garden room


Wondering how you could create more home space without the headache of planning permission and a long waiting time? A garden room is a perfect installation for a quick and aesthetic addition to your family home.

  • Adds value to your property

Adding a garden room can be a great idea whether you are considering selling your house or not. It will make the house more desirable if you do sell it, making it stand out for other similar houses in the market. The price to install in comparison to the monetary value it could add is massive.

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  • Simpler than an extension

Despite a house extension being a common addition to a house, the installation of a garden room has many advantages. The process can be extremely quick which avoids the awkwardness of having months of builders in your home. It is a lot less expensive too and in most cases, avoids planning permission which can slow the process down a lot.

  • The perfect workspace

If you struggle to work from home due to the chaos in your house, a garden room is the ideal escape. Not only is it incorporating the serenity of an outside environment, but it will be a silent retreat that can immensely increase concentration levels without interruptions. A room like this can also be created into the interior of your dreams, with more of a budget left over from not opting for an extension!

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  • Sustainability

Using wood such as oak to create your new home space is much more sustainable than brick or block structures. They also create a structure that fits in a lot more with the natural surroundings of a garden and there are endless opportunities to grow plants around it to contribute towards the environment. If you are able to buy from reputable manufacturers such as Timber Merchants Southampton wood can be sourced from certified forests rather than man-made construction which is less sustainable.

  • Bespoke individuality

When choosing a garden room, the design opportunities can be directly from your vision. You can work with designers to create your vision without the limitations of a brick building. Designs can end up being a lot more elegant and personalised, as you can add specific features such as a garden entrance or gym.