Have A Smooth Move


After the initial excitement has died down of choosing your new home and having your offer accepted comes the stark realisation that you now have to go through one of the most stressful periods of your life. The Move! Don’t let your enthusiasm be crushed by endless paperwork and cardboard boxes. Follow these simple steps for a hassle-free relocation.

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  • Don’t think you must take everything. If you haven’t thought about something or worn something for five years, do you still need it? Try not to be overly sentimental and cut the clutter in your life. Don’t just transfer the entire contents of your current home to the new house; use the move as an excellent reason to have a proper clear out.
  • Let your energy suppliers know your moving date, and remember to take final meter readings on the day. This can quickly be done on their website usually. You don’t want to be billed for someone else’s usage.
  • Don’t overlook your TV licence. This is a simple mistake to make but can prove to be a costly one. Let the licensing company know your move date to ensure you have coverage as soon as you move in. You wouldn’t want to be caught out during such a busy time.
  • In the week leading up to move day, try to eat most of what’s in your freezer, as you’ll likely lose most of the food there during the move. It might mean serving up some odd meals for a few days. Alternatively, ask a friend or family member to store your food.
  • It’s almost impossible to inform every organisation of your change of address, and there’s bound to be some you’ve overlooked. Have Royal Mail redirect your mail, so you don’t lose any vital information and protect yourself from identity theft if your post gets into the wrong hands.
  • Research and hire a removal company five weeks before the move date unless you have friends or family with access to vans. Shop around and receive as many quotes as possible and check online reviews. Alternatively, consider Van Rental Bristol from a site like co.uk/van-hire-bristol

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  • Don’t forget to label your boxes. It will make life much easier and quicker when you unpack your new pad. Use a marker and also write which room it’s intended for.
  • A great tip is to create an essentials box so that you don’t have to root through many boxes at the end of a long day to find your slippers and teabags! Items such as toiletries, a loaf of bread, and a tin of beans – anything you might think you’ll need immediately should go in this box.