What is the WRAS seal of approval for water fittings?


If you work in the plumbing industry, you may have seen products which have been certified with a WRAS seal of approval. Read on to find out what exactly WRAS signifies and why it is important for plumbing products.

What is the WRAS?

WRAS stands for the Water Regulations Advisory Scheme, which is an accredited certification body that is subscribed to by the 26 water supply companies in the UK. The purpose of the WRAS is to ensure that businesses in England and Wales comply with the Water Supply and Water Fitting Regulations and the comparable water bylaws in Northern Ireland and Scotland. The purpose of these regulations is to ensure that drinking water remains completely safe and free from any contamination and to prevent any water wastage or excessive consumption of water. The regulations work to protect the health of the general public and to control the responsible and efficient use of water in the UK.

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Product Approval under the WRAS

The WRAS approval system ensures that manufacturers of plumbing products such as valves, taps and boilers comply with the relevant regulations. The WRAS regulations are applicable to any water-fitting product which is installed to receive or carry water from the mains water supply. When a product is submitted to the WRAS for testing and compliance, it will only receive approval after it has undergone thorough tests by independent testing bodies.

There may also be other rigorous installation criteria to which it must also adhere before it passes the WRAS accreditation. The regulations also cover any plumbing products not made from metal, such as rubber fittings or washers. They are also thoroughly tested to make sure that they do not contaminate the water with any toxic chemicals or give the water an unpleasant taste. All the copper pipes and copper pipe connectors at reputable plumbing suppliers are WRAS approved, such as those seen here https://watkinspowis.co.uk/products/copper-pipe-fittings-and-press-systems/ covering a wide range of products and advice on copper piping.

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Is it a legal requirement for products to be WRAS approved?

Once WRAS approval has been granted, it lasts for 5 years and then the product will then need to be resubmitted for testing. However, there is no legal requirement for plumbing products to be approved by the WRAS, so it is advisable to look for WRAS approval in product descriptions to guarantee product safety and quality.