Preparing For Bar Mitzvah


If your child is getting ready for his Bar Mitzvah, there is lots of advice to help them prepare for the ceremony. Besides getting a thorough knowledge of Jewish tradition, the preparation is also designed for girls and boys alike to help them focus on their faith and not lose sight of the importance of the ceremony whilst planning for the event.

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In addition to preparing for the ceremony, the families will meet with a Rabbi in advance to discuss details. Once these details are finalised, you can move forward with the preparation of the ceremony and the celebrations to take place afterwards. For Bar Mitzvah Cards, visit

As a parent, you know your child best. You know if he or she works well independently or if he or she has trouble meeting deadlines. You also know if your child breezes through work or does it sloppily. However, if you do not know your child’s Hebrew skill level, you will need to research this matter thoroughly before deciding on the best preparation method. Practicing Hebrew online can be helpful as well as practicing their portion of the Torah to be read aloud. They may also want to give a speech on the day, so plenty of rehearsal time is also a good idea.

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One of the best ways to prepare for a bar/bat mitzvah is to attend services together as a family and gain a good understanding of the Shabbat services. Ideally, this should begin at least two years before the actual day of the ceremony. The benefits of attending services together include regular exposure to the liturgy, practice with Hebrew, and support from other community members.