What is a Bat Mitzvah?


In traditional Judaism, the Bat Mitzvah ceremony marks a girl’s coming of age. It involves a religious service and elaborate reception. However, in modern Jewish practice, the ceremony is more like a party than a religious ceremony. While some Orthodox practices prohibit girls from participating in religious services, other Jewish movements have adapted the ceremony to include girls.

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The ceremony is a joyful event, with friends and family giving the girl special gifts. Common gifts include jewellery, books, and money. Personalised greeting cards can be a great choice. For a range of cards including Bar Mitzvah Cards, try visiting Cazenove Judaica

A traditional bat mitzvah is often held on Shabbat morning, but the celebration can also take place Friday night or Saturday.

Bat Mitzvah girls also have the opportunity to give back to the community. For example, they may decide to read Torah portions or the Haftarah portion of the week during religious service. They may even give a speech about the Torah. Another way to give back is to raise money for charity.

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While a Bat Mitzvah is not required by Jewish law, it is an important milestone for a Jewish girl to mark her coming of age. The ceremony is traditionally followed by a private family celebration in which the girl is invited to address the family. Some Reform, Conservative, and Reconstructionist Jews view the Bat Mitzvah in the same light as the Bar Mitzvah.