The Great British Tree


The ancient oak forest has always held extreme importance in Britain, and it is said that the nation was built on oak. Acorns would be carried for luck as it is believed that they ward off disease. The Greeks and Romans, Celts and Druids all believed oak trees held magical powers and Roman soldiers wore a crown of oak leaves while celebrating victory.

As a member of the Beech family, the official name is pedunculate Oak and it is our national tree because of its beauty, longevity and strength. Some oak trees are so old that they date back to the interglacial period about 300,000 years ago but are still the most common tree in English forests.

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Oak is most commonly found in the South and the East of England and features a familiar leaf shape, so it’s almost a national symbol. It will gracefully spread if it has room to do so, growing very deep roots that can withstand drought conditions. They also do not mind being submerged in water too much either, which means they have outstanding resistance, even for a long time and in salty water! Whatever wood you desire for your home, check out Engineered Wood Flooring at a site like Irwin Tiles, a supplier of Engineered Wood Flooring

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Some of the tallest oak tree are less than 300 years old as older oaks were cut down for firewood and construction. The largest tree ever recorded in England is Newlands Oak which measured a whopping 45 feet in thickness. Unfortunately, it fell down. The largest remaining oak can be found in Sherwood Forest and has a thickness of 33 feet. It is believed to be aged between 800 and 1,000 years.