Skills You Need As A Web Designer


If you are thinking about a career in web design, do you know which skills are required? Here are just some of the things you will need to understand in order to create the best websites:

Visual Design – When focused on digital media, visual design relates to the look and feel of a website. This could include fonts, typography and colour palette, for example.

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Design Software – Design software is the tool of the trade and designers will work with packages such as Sketch and Adobe Photoshop, for example. With experience in this type of software, you will be able to create a site that meets the needs of users and industry standards. For more details on Website Design Essex, go to a company like

Coding – This is another important element of web design and you will be expected to know how to code. Designers need to know how to add headings, images, footers and graphics onto a page and this is done with HTML coding.

CSS – This stands for Cascading Style Sheets and is the code used for telling browsers how to format HTML for a site. Knowledge of this is, therefore, a great benefit. It is the tool that enables you to bring to life all the design work you have created.

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Soft Skills – Designers also need a range of soft skills which include things like problem-solving, time management, project management, communication skills and research abilities.