Back to Work – A Good Opportunity for an Office Clear Out


Going back to work is the ideal chance to take a look at the office and think about what you might like to change. Old computers, threadbare furniture and cluttered areas can all be easily overlooked, but a clear out and a fresh clean office can make the whole office feel a lot fresher and also helps employees be more focussed and motivated when getting back to work. To help motivate colleagues after being off for a while, motivational speaker UK based Jamie McDonald could be a help, as could setting up a new office clean team.

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Stationery is a good place to start – we often allow stationary cupboards to build up with lots of old items which may be unusable or simply not needed. Going through a stationary cupboard you will be able to see if anything is needed and also what needs to be disposed of.

The office kitchen is often a harbour for germs, and in these times, it is essential to reduce germ risks as much as possible. Clear out the fridge and clean all handles on cupboards and the fridge – don’t forget the kettle handle and switch – probably one of the most touched things in the office!

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Take a look at your office furniture – to comply with social distancing regulations, it might be necessary to move your office around anyway, so this is a great opportunity to get rid of any furniture which has seen better days, and start with a fresh new office. Chairs in particular are very important in the office, as an incorrect chair can lead to severe back pain and nerve and muscle problems.